Died: June 3rd 2007
In our 29 years of married life, I learned values from Jeremy that are as unforgettable as the man himself. His family meant everything to him and he meant the world to us too. Jeremy was soft-spoken and unassuming, never hesitant to help a human being in need… even people who were unfair to him.
A man of many talents, Jeremy sang particularly well. Blessed with a keen photographer’s eye, he derived delight from the wondrous colours of nature’s palette. His adept hands fixed his children’s toys as confidently as high-tech gadgetry like television sets and computers. Even as he treasured his ‘family time’, he found relaxation in fishing and reading.
Jeremy spread sunshine wherever he went. Being the jovial and joyous person that he was, people loved being in his company, especially when he was in one of his entertaining moods. His magnetic appeal used to attract little children to him and he reciprocated by buying gifts for all who came his way.
In today’s world, some of Jeremy’s beliefs would appear quaint, like: a family should have just enough for its needs because, if there was an abundance of riches, the family could go astray.
Dadda, you were always there for us, ever so patient, our friend as much as our parent. It’s strange to realise that we will not have your reassuring presence by our side when we walk up the aisle.
We know that you are now with Jesus, watching over us. We will treasure memories of the wonderful times we shared… But, despite those memories, Dadda, we miss you…
- Patricia Fernando and the Children